Sunday, 22 March 2009

Mad Cow Disease

An Animal Rights Activist, yesterday

I'm going to come straight out with this: from tomorrow (Monday 23rd of March 2009) I'm going vegetarian. There, I said it!

No, I haven't lost my wits completely; I still love meat, whether it is murder or not. This is all part of my revitalised fitness drive. Remember those New Year's resolutions? Well they're still applicable, and I'm going to work on No 1 with a drastic change in diet, to see if it'll work for me. The two main objectives are to clear out my bowels and find other sources of protein. What makes this challenge particularly interesting is the fact that Spain is pretty much Land of Pork and Beef, with the concept of vegetarianism being: "oh, so you only have chicken, then?" It's part of why I love this country so much. However, my indulgence in dead animal has been bordering on the downright hedonistic, so I'm going vegetarian for a week.

Seven days without meat: can I do it? You'll see, as I chart every gruesome detail in my Diet Diary. I've gone mad before, so let's see if going cold turkey (couldn't resist) will have any similar effects. Stay tuned.

No, you're not mistaken; this is a GENUINE vintage Valentine's Day card...


  1. good luck with the vegetables... don't forget to grow a portable garden! :)

    Hi there. Found you thru Ka-os blog. :)

  2. Welcome, Dusty!

    Thanks for the support; I'm going to need as much as I can get!

    One day in, and I'm already a little stir crazy...

  3. I guess I'm all but vegetarian then, going by Spanish standards.

    Don't they eat raw bull on the streets over there? Hope ya remembered your English manners and brought a napkin to wipe off the blood!

  4. OMG SANYA?! VEGGIE?! the thought of turning vegetarian crossed my mind once, but i was half asleep. but its sounds like a good idea, especially as its only a week. i might try and be veggie, but just have meat like once a week, then pretend i didnt have any. and also lie if anyone asks. but good luck!
